Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hello Internets

Good evening. This is my first blog attempt, so I hope everyone will bear with me. To both of you reading this now, I'm hoping to start this project to let out some of my rantings and ramblings on history, politics, religion, culture, and whatever else strikes my fancy on a given day. I'm looking to increase my writing skills, as well as foster critical thinking and generally improve myself as a person through writing. The fact that this is published to the internet is rather immaterial; I don't seek fame or fortune from the net, and I don't believe that everyone should read/subscribe to my opinion. That said, I'm in favor of most of my viewpoints, except the ones that I completely disagree with myself on. But at any rate, hopefully one or two of you might find this interesting and enjoyable, and I welcome all feedback, positive and negative. Thanks for reading.